
1984 Who Is Mr Charrington

The bandage of characters in George Orwell's novel is as unique, engaging and well-developed equally any reader could hope for.

1984 Character List 📖 1

Winston Smith

A pocket-sized, fragile thirty-nine-year-old human being, resident of Oceania and a minor fellow member of the Party. He works at the Ministry building of Truth just hates the totalitarian dominion and repression which are integral parts of the governmental organisation. Winston secretly dreams of a revolution. Afterwards coming together Julia, he is able to share his innermost opinions openly, he'due south as well able to cover beloved and affection in a fashion that is not tolerated by the Political party.

Winston gains force from this human relationship merely as a issue, is arrested. After being tortured by the Party, he submits to the authorities'southward tenants. The hatred he once held for the Party and Large Blood brother is replaced by unquestioning honey, that which he pretended to hold at the beginning of the novel.


A young 26-year-old party member who works in the Ministry of Truth. Partway through the novel, she becomes Winston's beloved and together they share in their hatred of the Party. Although she doesn't want to live under party dominion, she also doesn't desire to participate in a revolution. After the couple is arrested, Julia, who is besides held and tortured in the Ministry of Honey, is fundamentally changed by the feel. She no longer loves Winston, in fact, she wants nil to do with him.


An intelligent and of import fellow member of the Inner Party with whom Winston wants to share his well-nigh dangerous thoughts. Winston comes to believe that O'Brien is on his side, and is willing to aid him in his efforts to push dorsum against Party rule. O'Brien does not plow out to exist the person Winston thinks he is. He turns Winston in for committing "thoughtcrime" and sending him on a path to exist transformed into another subjugated, brainwashed citizen.

Big Brother

The dictatorial, god-like figure at the head of Oceania and the Political party. He appears on TVs, posters, and coins. Nearly memorably, on posters that declare one is always being watched by "Big Blood brother". Winston believes that Big Brother is not a real person, but instead, a fabricated figurehead created every bit a focus for the public's adoration.

Mr. Charrington

An old man who owns an antique/secondhand shop in the prole department of the city. He is initially kind to Winston and encourages his inquiries into the by. Only, like about of the characters and spaces in 1984 Mr. Charrington has an ulterior motive. He turns out to be a member of the Thought Police.


An acquaintance of Winston'southward who is one of the creators of the Eleventh Edition of the Newspeak Dictionary. Winston does not like Syme, simply continues to speak with him because he is outspoken. At one indicate, Winston even thinks that Some will probable not live for much longer because he is not as conscientious with his words as he should be. Syme does somewhen disappear.

Tom Parsons

One of Winston's neighbors who Winston finds to be irritating and obnoxious. He is the father of two children, who are members of the Inferior Spies. 1 kid denounces her father to the police, stating that he spoke against Big Brother in his sleep. He is imprisoned in the Ministry of Beloved when Winston is taken there for interrogation and torture. Parsons professes his pride in his daughter for having followed Party doctrine.


Winston'due south married woman. She does not appear in the novel simply Winston spends fourth dimension thinking about her and her devotion to the party. He is bothered by the lack of real emotions the two shared and how she was just intimate with him in guild to accept children for the Party. In i of the well-nigh poignant moments of the novel, Winston admits to a passing desire he had to murder her while they were walking alone. She may or may non be alive somewhere else in Oceania.


Winston's coworker who also ends upwardly in prison with Winston at the end of the novel. He worked in the Records Department.

Emmanuel Goldstein

The leader of the rebellion against the party who never appears in the novel. Like Big Blood brother, his influence is felt by all. Some are terrified of the disruption he could bring to their lives, and outwardly denounce him as the Party demands, others like Winston look upward to him as a figure of hope. He is more than of a legend than anything else. By the cease of the novel, information technology comes into question whether or not this figure e'er existed, or if he was created past the Party in order to give them an ever-present enemy.

Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford

Three members of the Inner Party who were wrongly arrested and forced to confess to crimes they didn't commit. They were executed past the Party. Winston becomes enlightened of their innocence through a paper clipping.

1984 Character List 📖

1984 Who Is Mr Charrington,


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